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TVD Stars Spill! Damon and Stefan Will ‘Switch Places’ Next Season

Photo Credit: Quantrell D. Colbert/The CW ©2010 The CW Network
Photo: Elena decides to take matters into her own hands and offers a tempting incentive to Rose (guest star Lauren Cohan) for her help. When things take an unexpected turn, however, Rose calls on Damon to deal with the plan Elena has set in motion. Jeremy’s reckless attempt to help Bonnie retrieve the moonstone lands him in a life-threatening position and forces Stefan to put himself in danger. Bonnie and Luka (guest star Bryton James) form a closer connection. Tyler shows Caroline the Lockwood cellar, where she makes a discovery that leaves them both terrified.
Warning: Somewhat spoilery details ahead!

We knew it was coming, but now The Vampire Diaries trifecta of talent — that’s Nina Dobrev (Elena), Ian Somerhalder (Damon) and Paul Wesley(Stefan), natch — has confirmed: Evil Stefan is back, baby.

…And consequently, so is sweet and sensitive Damon. We know, right?

In a dual interview with PopWrap, Somerhalder and Wesley dished about their characters’ surprising personality changes next season.

In a nutshell: “I’m going to be playing Damon, and he’ll be playing Stefan and we’re hoping no one notices,” Wesley quipped. Funny! Maybe the psyche swap has already started?

Regardless, Wesley is stoked to add this new (old) dimension to Stefan.

“It excites Paul because he gets to be a bad ass again!” Somerhalder said. Wesley concurred: “Yep! I’m so excited to have fun and be bad.”

And Somerhalder? How’s he feel about losing his title as the King of Bad? “I’m less excited,” he admitted. “I hope I don’t have to be sappy like Stefan.” (To which Wesley replied:  “Oh, you will. And I get to have a little bit of fun and not brood all the time. Monogamy is nice, but come on Stefan — let loose.”)

TVD’s sweetheart Nina Dobrev (Elena) also weighed in on next season’s Salvatore switch-a-roo, and she’s admittedly as excited as Wesley. (And we would be, too. More making out with Ian Somerhalder? Yes, please!)

“I think it’s going to feel like a completely new show now that Stefan has gone to the dark side. He will be with Klaus and I think that’ll set up a dark shift because when we started Damon was the mysterious one with all the fog following him [laughs]. Now I think we’ll see that come back with Stefan and Elena is turned around because she doesn’t know what to do.”

It’s true: Girl will have a few rather different options come fall.

“Will she be by herself? Will she be with Damon? Will she try to find Stefan?” Nina mused. “Everything is kind of shifting, so it’ll be refreshing and different, which is nice — you never want to fall into a familiar pattern on a show. And I think Kevin [Williamson] and Julie [Plec] found a way to keep it fresh.”

We’d say a blossoming Delena storyline will do just that. And we’d also say: About. Freakin’. Time.

Source: PopWrap

Malese Jow: Reprising Role as Anna Was “the Best

 Surprise Ever”

Photo Credit:
Photo: Whatcha doin’ there, Anna? Spying? (CR: Courtesy of The CW)
We know The Vampire Diaries is notorious for its twists and turns, but the return of Jeremy’s old vampire girlfriends Anna and Vicki was one shocker we don’t think anyone expected — including the actresses themselves!

Malese Jow, who plays Anna, told MTV’s Hollywood Crush that being asked back to the show was “the best surprise ever.” She adds: “It was a huge shock and it took a few days to set in.” We feel ya, girl. It still hasn’t sunk in for us yet!

Perhaps the reason we’re having such a hard time grasping the notion that the vamp vixens are back is because their deaths seemed so final. Anna was, like many a vamp before her, staked by John Gilbert. We were never really sure if she actually had feelings for Jeremy, or was just using him to get closer to Elena — whose blood she eventually used to supply her own vamp mother with more strength. In all honesty, even Malese thought her character was gone for good! “...The fact that they would try to write something to bring us back — it's just such an honor,” she says.

But the best part for Malese was that the surprise was actually “kept under wraps.” She admitted she was tempted to spill the beans more than once. “[Keeping the return a secret] was really hard for me because I love my Team Anna fans,” she says. “And then I knew immediately they would freak out, but the secret was well worth it. It just made the shock a million times more amazing and effective.”

To say the least.

Source: Hollywood Crush

Kayla Ewell Spills on Vicki's Unexpected Reapparance

Photo Credit: Christopher Polk/Getty Images
Photo: Hmm, considering only Nina, Ian, and Paul attended the Awards, we're guessing Kayla wasn't there as part of the Vampire Diaries crew?
We’re not gonna lie: We were equal parts stoked and freaked when we saw Vicki Donovan (Kayla Ewell) at the end of last week’s The Vampire Diariesfinale. It was unexpected but also totally welcomed. Or at least we think it’s welcome. We never truly know what those vamps are up to!

Similarly, we never know what TVDwriters and producers have up their sleeves. They’re pretty good at keeping secrets. Kayla Ewell recently chatted with TVLine about her character’s appearance — and let’s just say her summons back to the show was as jarring for her as it was for us! “I was just as shocked as all of the viewers were,” she says of her character’s creepy split-second appearance.

And it’s not like Kayla had much time to process that shock. “It actually wasn’t much notice at all. The funny story is that I got the call about it on April Fool’s Day, so when my agents and manager called me, I was just waiting for them to tell me they were kidding,” she says. “I was thinking that it was the cruelest joke anyone had ever played on me. But it ended up being real and was the coolest thing to ever happened.”

And while Kayla won’t say whether Vicks is back for good (please oh please!), she did admit she’d “do it in a second” if TVD producers extended a permanent invitation — and obviously we use the term permanent loosely.

“I love the character Vicki so much, I would hope they’d want me back,” she says. “But that’s what makes the show so great, we never know what’s going to happen.”

Amen, sister!

Steal Her Style: Nina Dobrev’s Super Summery Maxi


Photo Credit: Fame Pictures
Nina brushes off her embarrassing moment. We’re not surprised that she’s a good sport. After all, this is the girl who’s willing to sing like a munchkin during interviews.
We just love when stars look stylish in clothes we can also afford... It makes us want to go drop some of own our hard-earned cash on a fun weekend (or online) shopping adventure.

We were pretty stoked to see Nina Dobrev wearing an on-trend maxi dress in L.A. a couple weeks ago, as it’s the perfect piece to complete our summer wardrobes. We can doll it up in heels or tone it down in flip flops, add accessories or rock a natural look. This frock is super versatile. It’s a good thing we found it at A/X Armani Exchange! On sale. For under $100. What could be better?! Nothing that we know of, so grab it for yourself ASAP!

Source: TV Line